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7KW wind and solar integrated power generation system
时间:2012-3-16 16:46:31 ‖ 点击:11296



This product is an integrated renewable power generation system of wind, solar and battery and other energy technologies, at the same time using the intelligent control technology. By means of solar PV and wind turbines, solar and wind energy is respectively converted into electricity, and then further converted into AC via the control and power conversion device which meet the requirements of electrical equipment or specifications of electrical network connected, or directly charge the battery.

2.Technical characteristics

Ø Safe, efficient, low noise, small footprint

Ø Monitor wind speed to achieve maximum power output

Ø Maximum solar panels power output

Ø Optimal energy management of wind and solar power generation

Ø Improve stability and reliability of power supply because of the complemention of wind and solar energy

Ø For the same power supply, the storage capacity of the battery greatly reduced

Ø Used for on-grid/off-grid, particularly suitable for distributed power generation system

3.Typical Configuration

NO. Name Models and Specifications Quantity
1 Battery components 230W 18
2 Wind turbine WG-5K 1
3 Battery 12V/150AH 12
4 Tower and Support brakets 1
5 Controller and Inverter WSCA-7KS 1
6 System Accessories 1


Copyright: Aviation Power Control Co., Ltd. Postal Code: 214070 Fax :86-510 -85,217,496
Address: 10 Floor, No.7 building, D-Park,No 599 Jianzhu West Road, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province Tel :86-510 -85,226,685 Customer Service Center 86-510 -85227493 / 165